We offer a 4-day program (Monday – Thursday) and a 2-day program (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) from 8:30 – 11:30am.

Mission Statement
The mission of SHINE Preschool is to reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children and families in our congregation and community with a comprehensive Christian education. We believe in educating the whole child: Spiritually, Cognitively, Socially, Emotionally, Aesthetically, and Physically.
Our Teacher
Charlotte Wiseman is our head teacher at SHINE Preschool. She has numerous years of experience teaching in Lutheran and Christian schools as well as years of experience and training in literacy. This past year the curriculum was full of educational activities and experiences for the students such as gardening, bread baking, interactive Advent wreaths, shadow science for Groundhog Day, and Valentine bags for shut-ins and elderly and friends.
One in Christ Preschool Curriculum provided by Concordia Publishing House will help young children learn about Jesus and grow in their understanding of God’s love for them. Lessons will provide a framework for children to explore, express, create and relate to one another each day. Supplemental curriculum in reading and math skills will ensure your child is adequately prepared for the transition to Kindergarten. Our goal is to help children see their lives from the perspective of God’s Word ensuring that they learn Christian decision-making and problem solving skills.
Admission and Tuition
Four-Day Program 2024-25: $220/month
Two-Day Program 2024-25: $118/month
Our Preschool is available to all educable children beginning at age 3 (children who are 3 years old before September 1), regardless of ethnic, religious, or social background. While we support the inclusion of special needs students, our facility is not currently equipped to meet those needs. All children must be toilet trained.
Enrollment is complete once the following have been completed: application (must be signed by parent or legal guardian), immunization form signed and dated by parent or legal guardian, non-refundable registration fee of $150 paid.
Upcoming Events
We welcome you to visit Faith Lutheran Church to pick up forms and encourage you to visit the facilities. Please contact the church or email LGshinepreschool@gmail.com to schedule a tour.
Visit Facebook Page for details of SHINE Preschool and events
Contact us: SHINE Preschool - 541-963-2831 - 104 S. 12th St, La Grande, OR 97850 - lgshinepreschool@gmail.com
Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14