April 2016

Burst Forth

“But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened” (Luke 24:12). 

The Lord Jesus Christ burst forth from the tomb Victorious. “He is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!” Peter marveled at the empty tomb, “at what had happened.” He had been called from his boat to be a “fisher of men.” He walked, talked, ate, and lived with Christ for three years. He witnessed Christ loving and subduing mankind. He witnessed Christ’s death and resurrection.

          Easter is a springtime event based on the Passover celebration. Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (that is the equal amount of day and night twenty fours during the spring). The vernal equinox and Easter were just one week apart this year. Spring is a time that we witness bulbs (snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, etc.) bursting forth from their “tombs.” We witness the greening of the mountains and the bursting forth of blossoms and leaves on the trees. Spring is a time of reassurance that life is continuing to burst forth with God’s blessings--something to marvel at.

          I used the above verse (Luke 24:12) for the March newsletter and for Easter’s sermon. We were preparing for the bursting forth of our Lord in March and celebrated His victory on Easter. We continue to celebrate His victory every Sunday. Alleluia!

          I urge you to notice the bursting forth of life in our environment. As you notice that life, marvel at the beauty and glory of that life. Enjoy this time of appreciating God’s handiwork. However, there will also be a time to marvel at the need to subdue the weeds. There will also be a variety of critters that need to be subdued in order that we can live healthily. Life is bursting forth. Life that is nourishing, comforting, and beautiful, as well as life that needs subdued. Marvel at the balance and our response.

          In the spiritual realm, we have life that is nourishing, comforting, and beautiful. Receive God’s Word of comfort and direction for life now and forevermore. This Word comes with Law, what we are to do, a very sound doctrine in which to live life in a fallen world as the Law operates as a curb and guide. However, that Law does not and cannot make us righteous. Praise God that the Word also includes Gospel, what God has done:  shed His blood to pay for our forgiveness, making us righteous. He burst forth from the tomb to lead His people to heavenly peace. Receive the grace that Christ has instituted in the Sacraments as they provide tangible comfort now and carry us to life everlasting too. Appreciate the beauty of Christian music, Christian art, and Christian fellowship. Marvel at God’s work in your life.

          There will also need to be subduing of false teaching. These teachings are many and come in deceptive packages from the master of deception, Satan. There will also need to be subduing of our very self for “whoever says he does not sin deceives himself” (1 John 1:8). Marvel at God’s patience and love for His dear children.


The Lord be with you,

Pastor Sam Wiseman