September 2016

All to Be Saved

“This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

          These verses immediately follow Holy Scripture’s exhortation for us to pray for “all people,” not neglecting “kings and all who are in high places.” Scripture gives this mandate for beneficial temporal reasons: “that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” In this environment, the truth will be freely proclaimed and God’s salvation will be presented, eternal benefits included.  Lead us to pray, O Lord, Your will be done.

          Imagine with me the year 2525, “if man is still alive,” when a new land is made suitable for habitation. The One in Charge desired for the people who settle there to have a “peaceful and quiet life,” living as “godly and dignified” people. Therefore a system was established for certain officials to make decisions and deal with situations for the good of all the people. These officials in “high places” would need to ensure the safety of this settlement. Thieves, robbers, and terrorists would eventually find this new land and each person would eventually be unorganized or unaware and become easy prey. The officials also would establish methods in which work would be effectively distributed.  There would be motivating guidelines in order that the individuals could and would strive to do honest, good work.

          As that system was in effect the One in Charge saw the servant-nature of those officials and desired the people to rally behind them. The officials were the people’s peers; hence they were not perfect, there faults could be amplified.  This would not be healthy to focus on the negative. The One in Charge was involved; He told them that “there is no authority except from (Him) and those (authorities) that exist have been instituted by “Him” (Romans 13:1). The One in Charge desired that the people recognize that they were not on this venture on their own. He was with them, and He wanted the people to be united through Him to maintain this new habitation; therefore, He added a further directive that the people were to present “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving” for all the people, not neglecting those who were placed into “high places.”

          The One in Charge provided all that was needed for the people’s present life in that habitation. He also gave of Himself in order that He could gather all these people unto Himself. He had the truth, He was the Truth and went to great extents to have His truth available and distributed.

          Praise God, for he does provide all we need to support this temporary body and life. Praise God for His ultimate mercy of sacrificing Himself (the only begotten Son) to be our Savior, our Truth. Praise God for His great love for He “desires all people to be saved.”  Praise God for continuing to reach out to His people through His established means. Amen.


The Lord be with you,

Pastor Sam Wiseman