August 2016

Pastor’s Corner                                     

Safe Handling

          “But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1)

          There are many types of knives: butter knives, slicing knives, butchering knives, machetes, etc. Each has its purpose. Some require more rules and boundaries for safe handling.

          Titus 2:1 is God’s inspired Word directing His church to be diligent with our teachings, our doctrine. What we teach is what we believe and confess to be true to the Word of God. Paul was giving Titus a bold, confident approach. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod follows this bold, confident approach as we believe, teach, and confess the Holy Scriptures and the doctrine drawn from them.

          As we are bold and confident, let us be guided with godly mannerisms. For example, “What have I to do with judging outsiders?” (1 Corinthians 5:12). Those outside of Christianity are those with whom we are to associate; let us pray that the Holy Spirit use the Word we share with them to bring them inside. For those within Christianity, Galatians 6:1 directs us, “If anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.” OLord, guide us to handle safely the souls in our lives with sound doctrine.

          Some doctrine can be handed to others any way that we can get it to them, just as I can hand a butter knife safely to almost everyone. For the very young or those without muscular control, I would still help them receive the benefits of the butter knife. With this in mind, let us consider the doctrine of Jesus’ saving work on the cross and His resurrection from the dead—sins forgiven and everlasting victorious life with Christ. This is the Gospel for all people. There will need to be extra involvement on our part for some (the very young, those impacted by bad teachings) to receive this truth.

          Slicing and butchering knives are for separating useful food from non-food matter. These knives are to be handled carefully. They are not to be handed to others in a way that would be dangerous. Doctrines that need to be handled carefully like this include the exclusive message of Christianity; “There is salvation in no One else” (Acts 4:12). There are also other doctrines that have been misunderstood that have caused unhealthy growths in doctrine that need to be sliced off.

          Machetes are for cutting through a jungle. There is a jungle of false, misleading doctrines (inside and outside of Christian circles) that clog the path for sound doctrine. Handling these situations requires boldness, courage, and a firm foundation.

          All Christians receive the “sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). This sword is multifaceted and serves all Christians well as a “butter knife.” This “sword of the Spirit” can also be developed for some to help slice of unhealthy growths or indigestible “bony” doctrine. There are some who are asked to lead the way through the jungle of false doctrines and deceptive teachings. Let us follow these servants as they use their machetes skillfully.

          O Lord, continue to work with us as you equip us in the use of the multifaceted Word of God from which we receive sound doctrine.  

The Lord be with you,

Pastor Sam Wiseman

July 2016

“By Nature,” God Restores

          “…we…were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved-“ (Ephesians 2:3b-5).

          “By nature,” means by the ways of a fallen in sin world where there is entropy. Entropy is the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy refers to the natural forces of disorder due to the energy in the world. To counter disorder in a small way, you might put energy into building a birdhouse: nails driven to hold the structure together, paint to give it aesthetic value and try to protect from weathering. The birdhouse is hung outside. A bird uses the house, and you are pleased to be able to help. However, forces are at work against your construction. The wind beats the house against a tree. The rain soaks through the paint, the wood swells. Heat beats onto the birdhouse, and the wood shrinks. Freezing temperatures, some with moisture some without, cause further challenges to the structure. And then the very critter you intended the house for brings in dirt, rubs, and scrapes against the birdhouse. Now, if you were to leave this birdhouse with no periodic energy of your own to fight the ever oppressive entropy, you would witness the birdhouse becoming broken and unable to serve its designed purpose. We witness this truth with our homes and our church building; hence the office of Trustee.

          The forces of entropy are at work on mankind also, even as part of our human nature. The following Luther quote is a bit unique, since I desire to have a beard. Yet even so, I do shave to keep my beard within boundaries, and I do trim it periodically.  Luther is explaining mankind’s way-- “by nature children of wrath,” that is, sinful.

          The original sin in man is like his beard, which, though shaved off today

          so that a man is very smooth around his mouth, yet grows again by tomorrow

          morning… Just so original sin remains in us and bestirs itself as long as

          we live, but we must resist it and always cut off its hair.  (WLS – 4176)

          Hair grows silently, just as sin silently closes our relationship with God. Adam had walked and talked with God in the Garden. Sin occurred, and then Adam tried to hide from God. Sin has a painful history of mankind closing himself to God. This closure leads to closing relationships with other humans also. Mankind has and does a masterful job of closing others out of his life. Racism is a prime example. Lesser examples can be seen in the setting up of boundaries, closing others out based on fan of what sports team or what foods we eat. These unique differences do not have to cause disorder among mankind; nevertheless, we have witnessed these, and many other differences that have no moral or theological merit, create disorder in this world.

          “God is not a God of disorder, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). God has instituted His means of grace to provide Divine energy to counter the destructive forces. God’s Divine energy is provided periodically to restore the soul that is ravaged by the devil, the world, and our own sinfulness (three vices causing disorder). He desires to hold us in His hand, in the refuge of His everlasting arms. Rest peacefully and receive His care.                                                   The Lord be with you, 

                                                   Pastor Sam Wiseman

June 2016

“Significant Church”

Jesus said, “…I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:18b-19).

          A church consists of those called from the world to receive the benefits identified in these words of Jesus Christ.  The administration of those “keys” is significant. Christ has paid for our sins. He is the first fruit of resurrected life; “because (He) lives, you also will live” (John 14:19).  This is eternally significant.

          Yet the church consists of people called from this fallen in sin world who are by nature vile, rude, and sinful; objects of God’s wrath (Ephesians 2:3). Please be patient! On this side of eternal glory, our lives will have trials, tribulations, stumbling blocks that tempt us to avoid the very institution that Christ builds to deal with rude, vile, sinful behavior.

          I am an earthling, a person of this world. I have shared with Faith’s elders that I realize that I have symbolically stepped on toes of all Faith’s members. Sometimes, I was addressing a specific situation and using inspired Scripture for its intended purpose (2 Timothy 3:16)--not the easiest task. I realize that it was not always done with the gentleness that I am directed to use (“a defense… with gentleness and respect” 1 Peter 3:15). Please forgive me and others who have done likewise, in order that God’s people “may be competent, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17).

          Other toe-stepping done by me has occurred when not directly addressing a specific situation, but through the general proclamation of God’s Word, which is “a two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12).  I also receive these Divine “toe-steppings,” perhaps as I am in Scripture, speaking with you, or at a pastors’ gathering. May this work of God enhance the significance of the Church as God is forming us with His Word as a Potter forms a vessel with His hands.

          A third example of “toe-steeping” is when I or others do something that is intended for a good purpose, yet it may be received negatively. An analogy: A child draws her first picture and the parents happily post it on their refrigerator and then tuck it away as memorabilia. However, an art critic, or someone unaware of the source of this simple art work, may give offense as they look and comment on the work and how it is displayed. May our simple works be explained in the kindest way in the body of Christ, in order to enhance the significance of church family. All works done with faith in Jesus Christ are God pleasing, “every healthy tree produces good fruit” (Matthew 7:17).

          In this article, I have revealed my desire for people to be patient, forgiving, and loving with me, the pastor. Let us apply this to our entire local body of Christ, as well as the universal body of Christ, as He has called us to be in His Church. There is intense significance in being in His Church, for “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Jesus gives the keys of the kingdom of heaven to bind for punishment and set loose for a joyful resurrected life. Amen.

 The Lord be with you,

Pastor Sam Wiseman

May 2016

“Relevant Church”

Jesus said, “…I build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven…” (Matthew 16:18-19).

          Jesus Christ builds the church. This alone makes the church relevant. He gives the church the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” to bind up or set loose the sins of mankind. This distribution of His authority shows that God surely understands the church to be relevant. Praise God as we are guided in His relevant institution.

          However, there are some who do not comprehend or think the words of Christ in Matthew 16 are relevant to them. God continues to work through His church to be relevant, reaching out and reaching into lives with His mercy, power, truth, and love. Let us consider this local body of Jesus Christ, Faith Lutheran Church.

          There are a multitude of examples that could be placed in the following sentences, yet let me share a recent account. On April 17th Scott and Richard were led to Faith Lutheran Church. They were traveling across the nation to a job in Seattle. They had set out with funds for the trip; however, they had vehicle problems in Wyoming and depleted their funds.  They stopped at Faith to request fuel for the trip to Seattle. Compassion was shared by Faith Lutheran to them.  The communication was something like this. Faith Lutheran Church (FLC): “Why did you come to a church, this church, for help?” Scott replied, “We were hoping that you might be able to help in our time of need?” FLC: “Oh, we want to help in times of need. Please understand that it is Jesus Christ’s resources that we will supply. This church has dear believing souls who willingly give to the Lord Jesus Christ. He will be the One helping you with this temporary need of fuel for your vehicle.  However, this is not His or our main concern for you. He is concerned for your eternal well-being with forgiveness of sins assuring you eternal life. May the support from FLC get you to your job, and more importantly, be another seed planted in you so that you desire to know more of Christ’s love and care in and through His church.”

          Scott and Richard were appreciative and went on their way. FLC has a budget line item for local missions that provided them fuel, a meal, and seeds of God’s truth. FLC was a relevant church to these two men. May this opportunity to be relevant enrich their lives to know more about the church which has the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

          FLC has many other line items on the budget that meet people in their lives in a relevant way such as providing for a called and ordained servant to administer the Word and Sacraments.  FLC is certainly relevant for that servant (me and my family) as the regular reception of the Word and Sacraments are relevant to all involved. Then there are a multitude of other relevant works of FLC such as weekly radio programs, support of seminarians, diligent support of Christian education in a variety of methods in our community and in the world (Haiti in particular, which also includes daily necessities of life, such as food and shelter), etc.

          The church that Christ builds is relevant. Let us remain steadfast in showing mercy by helping people in their times of need.  In so doing, let us always lift up Christ and His purpose for the church of administering the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

The Lord be with you,

Pastor Sam Wiseman

April 2016

Burst Forth

“But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened” (Luke 24:12). 

The Lord Jesus Christ burst forth from the tomb Victorious. “He is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!” Peter marveled at the empty tomb, “at what had happened.” He had been called from his boat to be a “fisher of men.” He walked, talked, ate, and lived with Christ for three years. He witnessed Christ loving and subduing mankind. He witnessed Christ’s death and resurrection.

          Easter is a springtime event based on the Passover celebration. Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (that is the equal amount of day and night twenty fours during the spring). The vernal equinox and Easter were just one week apart this year. Spring is a time that we witness bulbs (snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, etc.) bursting forth from their “tombs.” We witness the greening of the mountains and the bursting forth of blossoms and leaves on the trees. Spring is a time of reassurance that life is continuing to burst forth with God’s blessings--something to marvel at.

          I used the above verse (Luke 24:12) for the March newsletter and for Easter’s sermon. We were preparing for the bursting forth of our Lord in March and celebrated His victory on Easter. We continue to celebrate His victory every Sunday. Alleluia!

          I urge you to notice the bursting forth of life in our environment. As you notice that life, marvel at the beauty and glory of that life. Enjoy this time of appreciating God’s handiwork. However, there will also be a time to marvel at the need to subdue the weeds. There will also be a variety of critters that need to be subdued in order that we can live healthily. Life is bursting forth. Life that is nourishing, comforting, and beautiful, as well as life that needs subdued. Marvel at the balance and our response.

          In the spiritual realm, we have life that is nourishing, comforting, and beautiful. Receive God’s Word of comfort and direction for life now and forevermore. This Word comes with Law, what we are to do, a very sound doctrine in which to live life in a fallen world as the Law operates as a curb and guide. However, that Law does not and cannot make us righteous. Praise God that the Word also includes Gospel, what God has done:  shed His blood to pay for our forgiveness, making us righteous. He burst forth from the tomb to lead His people to heavenly peace. Receive the grace that Christ has instituted in the Sacraments as they provide tangible comfort now and carry us to life everlasting too. Appreciate the beauty of Christian music, Christian art, and Christian fellowship. Marvel at God’s work in your life.

          There will also need to be subduing of false teaching. These teachings are many and come in deceptive packages from the master of deception, Satan. There will also need to be subduing of our very self for “whoever says he does not sin deceives himself” (1 John 1:8). Marvel at God’s patience and love for His dear children.


The Lord be with you,

Pastor Sam Wiseman